Adelaide is considered one of the most desirable cities in the world. Renowned events and festivals, beautiful parks and mild Mediterranean climate make this city a very livable city. Let us talk about the cost of living in Adelaide.
Average cost of living in Adelaide
Compared to Melbourne and Sydney, Adelaide is 13% and 16% cheaper respectively. On an average depending on the lifestyle you lead, you will be spending around AUD350 to AUD700.
Let us have a look at a breakdown of the living cost.
Home internet
As you are a student, you will be sitting down on your desk and working on your projects and assignments a lot. You will also need the internet for your research. However, we all know, we do not always study.
We also do some entertainment. If you have been a heavy user of the internet back at home, you will not be able to live without the internet here in Adelaide as well. So, keep at least AUD 100 for your monthly data plan.
It will vary depending on how many people are sharing. If you live alone, you pay the full amount but the amount will be less. If you share with others, the bill will be huge but the share can be less.
This solely depends on how your electricity is being used and for what mainly. Keep AUD 150 for this in your budget. You may not need this much but keep it for safety.
You need gas for many things - cooking, heating, etc. Keep AUD 90 per month in your calculation.
This will greatly vary. If you love cooking simple food at home like rice and boiled vegetables and eggs, your food will be cheaper. However, buying meat and fish will increase the cost. Keep AUD 100 to AUD 150 per week in your budget.
Homestay full board: AUD 300 approximately.
Homestay accommodation only: AUD 190 to AUD 200 per week.
Single room shared AUD 321.
Large studio double bed AUD 455.
University townhouse plus priavte bath AUD 285.
CBD rental 85sqm home AUD 530 per week + food + utilities.
There are buses, trains and free bicycles you can borrow if you need to go somewhere. You need a Student MetroCard to get discounted fares. You can get free trams and buses for some routes. Expect to spend about AUD 40 as travel expenses.
There is no scarcity of shops in the city. You can buy all kinds of trendy fashion goods here. You get a pair of Levi for AUD 90, a pair of runners for around AUD 100 to 200. A summer dress may cost around AUD 70. Now, you have an idea about the cost of living in Adelaide.